Friday, November 4, 2016



It is nothing short of admirable that the
garden in fall reacts so courageously
sturdily making an emphatic effort to
maintain appearances. The air is chill
to an ill degree, the wind biting and when
the sun declines to offer its presence
courteously surrendering the sky to
legions of dark ragged clouds all appears
so forlorn despite the determination of
desperation persuading trees to wear
their most colourful of costumes to
cover their concern over impending
ruination when all the graceful growing
things that have been so carefully cultivated
defer to the inevitable. Still garden stalwarts
manage to surprise us with their relentless
good nature doing their utmost to cheer
up all those sullen gardeners unwilling
to admit that another gardening season
has had its day and all that soon will
remain will be memories soon to fade
along with the colour of the perfect roses
presenting their lone defiance of the cold
and the wind, soon to wither while
presuming to wave farewell and welcome
to another season of cold, white winter.

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