Sunday, November 27, 2016

Ding Dong ↓ Dead

What a remarkable personage the
world now bids a hearty farewell to
venerated by many and detested by
so many more. He was a man of
passionate belief, an indomitable
personality, the courage of his very
own convictions, a benevolent
dictator to those who adored him
a totalitarian murderer to those who
escaped his clutches, in memory of
those who did not. When viewed 
from the perspective of his own
country alone, he was a resounding
success for the half-century he ruled,
a reality that led some to emulate him
but never with the success he had no
trouble realizing. Even the democratically
elected head of a large developed nation
fancying himself a social progressive
of considerable note and success waxed
poetic in addressing the misfortune the
world faces with the departure of his
hero whom he lauds as one-of-a-kind
a description which, in isolation of
the baggage trailing in his wake 
elicits sighs of relief and the hope that
his kind will not be met again in this
lifetime of those whose suffering
he had been the proud instigator of.

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