Saturday, November 5, 2016


The Immutable Beat

We hold one another so close
our hearts truly beat as one for
we know the beat must go on. The
beat we dance to revisits us from
those days of our childhood when
music was our passion to the present
when our passion is that music
returned to remind us what we can
never forget, our discovery of one
another searching and finding one
another never to be parted. Dancing
now as we did so long ago, the
rhythm repeated endlessly over
the years that disappeared into the
past without our ever noticing. Our
dancing days have never diminished
not even now when over a half
century has passed between then
and now. Time is a strange element
the past is as close to us as the
present, yet a week after open
heart surgery there we are, dancing.
No time has passed since we resumed
dancing, not even during your 
impatient recovery. The music
sounds and it compels us to sway
and to grasp one another, our
hearts becoming, my dear, as one.

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