We had our graduation ceremonies a week later. It was kind of silly, really. Like I don’t know what for they had to have them. The recorder group, me included, played an air by Purcell, and 'The Entertainer' by Scott Joplin, and we weren’t bad. Just awful.
Some girl dressed in a kilt did an equally-awful folk dance to a scratchy record, and Mr. Drouin, the principal, made a speech that was much too long.
The school choir sang a couple of songs from 'The Sound of Music' with piano accompaniment by Miss Blount, and they were really good!
Finally, we were all assembled, us grade eight kids, and when our names were called, we were supposed to go up on the stage and get the certificates from our teacher, and shake Mr. Drouin’s hand. There were lots of goof-ups.
Like some kids got the wrong certificates, and Mr. Drouin had forgotten to sign half of them, and asked the kids to bring them back to school the next day to be signed. Like it meant anything much anyway, but I’m sure he means well.
Me and Jennifer wore the long dresses we had made at Home Ec. And they looked pretty good, if I do say so - even if Miss Blount could have given us a better mark, instead of being so picky about hems, and everything.
Mom said how beautiful I looked, ha-ha!! Dad said he was so proud of me, although I don’t know why. I didn’t do anything special. Just graduated from elementary school, like everyone else, (he-he).
We had one more week of school, and we thought we were going to be told what classes we would be in at Ridgemount High, but they said we’d find out next September. Crap!
Anyway, we found out that Sally is moving back out West again, where the rest of her family lives. So it’s for sure she won’t be in any of our classes next school year. One big sigh of relief. We went to say goodbye to her the last day, and she looked sad. She didn’t say too much to us, but goodbye, too.
Me and Jennifer intend to keep in touch all summer, just like at school. And Diane and Donna said they’ll keep calling on us, and Laura too.
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