Jane and Brenda sent me an invitation for an evening barbeque at their home. Very fancy. I even had to send a card back, saying I would go. Anyway, it was lots of fun, and I met a lot of kids I’ve seen around school, but never knew, and they were all really nice. Some of them don’t even live that far from me. I think they’re nicer kids than most of the ones in our class. We had barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs in rolls, and chips and salad, and later we did marshmallows on sticks. Just like at camp.
There were eight of us all together, and we sat around, talking about some of the teachers at school. Especially about Mr. Farraday and how he keeps dating first Miss Blount and then Miss Hennesley, and how they wouldn’t mind going out with him themselves. Like they were old enough, or something. One of Jane’s best friends said she saw him and Miss Blount kissing and snuggling outside the teachers’ lounge recently, but I don’t believe her.
Then they started talking about getting their period and stuff and how it’s such a nuisance, and they hated Miss Hennesley for saying they had to get a note from home for missing gym if they had their period. I didn’t say too much about that.
We played badminton and tether-ball for a while, until it got too dark to see what was going on. And then we went inside and down to the recreation room and we played Hands Down and Monopoly and some of us even played chess. I know how, because sometimes I play with Larry or Brian but they’re always beating me. I did pretty good with the girls.
I got home at ten o’clock, and Mom was mad at me for coming home so late. She said she was just about to go and get me. Crap! Like I’m a baby or something. At my age I can’t even stay out until ten, and it’s just down the street! Mom keeps saying, Dear, don’t say crap, please. I asked her what would she like me to say, and she said well, how about oh dear, or crumb, or something, and I said how about? And she got mad again.
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