At recorder classes Bianca has been giving us harder pieces to play. She’s started giving me solo pieces, so maybe she thinks I’m improving. I sure think I am. We had a concert for the parents the other night, and Daddy groaned “another concert!”, and Mom said, “Dear, how can you say that? We love concerts!” And she kind of nudged him, and I know it’s like telling him, don’t talk like that, you‘ll hurt her feelings, or something.
Larry said he’d go, just to hear how bad the little kids performed. Meaning me, of course. And Brian said he wouldn’t, he just wouldn’t go. Actually, what he did say was he’d be damned if he’d go to another bloody concert. How do you like that? Everybody’s so used to his talking like that that not either Mom nor Dad said anything at all. Well, actually, Dad said “you bloody well will!”.
So he did. Brian, I mean. He went to the concert and sat away down in his seat, and kept his ears covered with his hands. Mom was disgusted with him, and called him an uncultured clod, but Dad said he’s never going to insist Brian go to another concert again that he doesn’t want to attend. I guess we were pretty bad.
Mom told Bianca that I have a flute teacher now, and Bianca said she might be able to squeeze me into the Saturday morning group soon, because I’ve been improving, although she looked at me hard and said I could still do a lot better. Practise, she said. Practise! Crap! I practise plenty. I’m just not a music-looney like Larry. There’s other things to do, besides play music all the time.
There’s a rumour going around the school, that Mr. Farraday and Miss Hennesley have been going out together. They make a very nice pair, because they’re both very good-looking, and they’re both interested in sports and things. They’re both Phys.Ed. Teachers and both of them are always running around in shorts, even in winter. Too bad for Miss Blount, if it’s true, and Jane says it is. I don’t know how she always gets to hear this stuff first, but she does.
“Did you hear the latest?” I asked the girls, when we were sitting around in home room. Actually, it wasn’t really, really gossiping. Like I mean, everyone knew about it, almost.
“Hey, what?” Donna asked. Honestly, she’s so eager to hear stuff you’d swear her ears really do kind of perk up (reminds me of a little piglet, actually). Now I’m losing weight and even I can see it, and Mom keeps getting after me to eat more, but I won’t. Anyway, now I’m losing weight, it seems as if Donna keeps gaining more. She’s kind of frustrated about being fat and what she does, because she’s frustrated, is keep eating more. At lunch time, me and Diane keep telling her to stop buying all that junk, but she says she’s hungry, and goes ahead anyway. Well, it’s her life, and what can you do, anyway?
“Did you hear about Mr. Farraday and Miss Hennesley? They’re going out together, now.”
“Yeah? How do you know. Did they ask you out with them?”
“Oh, ha-ha, funny! No, Jane Parker - you know, over in CK-W - she was at my party, you met her there, remember? Well, she says. And she always knows. She said they’re always fooling around together.”
“That’s natural”, Jennifer said. “Don’t forget Jen, they’re both Phys.Ed. Teachers and they’ve got to plan things together and divide up the gym-time and equipment, and stuff."
“Oh yes, I know. But it’s not like that. They’re supposed to be going out on dates, and stuff.”
“Hey, but I thought he was going out with Miss Blount! Weren’t they?” Diane asked.
“Well, they were, all right. Boy, I wonder how she feels about all that?”
“Why shouldn’t people go out with other people. You’re silly, you girls. If a guy is going to go out with someone it doesn’t mean he isn’t going to go out with someone else. They’re probably all just friends.” Jennifer, always the sensible one.
“Well, we’ll find out, won’t we?” Diane said. “I mean, if it doesn’t matter, and they’re all just friends, and I think that’s very nice and all, but if it isn’t that way, I’ll just bet Miss Blount is going to be in a lousy mood. We’ve got Home Economics tomorrow Jennifer. You just wait and see.”
And when we had our Home Ec. Class we couldn’t see because there was a replacement teacher who told us that Miss Blount will be away for a few days. She has the flu. Kind of fishy, if you ask me. Winter’s over, and that’s flu time, not spring. Even if it is just early spring.
I’m getting to be awful! Just like some other people I know. I better stop talking like that about people.
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