The next day we went out together for a short bit of skiing in the afternoon, me and Jennifer. Halfway at the top of a huge old elm tree we saw a couple of hairy woodpeckers (Jennifer said they were). We were quiet for a while and then heard this funny sound and we looked around and then Jennifer spotted them up there.
I knew she didn’t want to talk about Sally’s party any more, and I wished it didn’t bother me so much, so I wouldn’t even want to talk about it either, but I felt so bad about it. Like I wasn’t wanted, like lonely or something, you know? I wish I was sensible about it like Jennifer, but I’m not like her.
We decided to go back once we got to the creek again. The sun was shining and it was getting kind of warm and the snow wasn’t so hot (ha-ha) anyway. We went sideways up the big hill. It’s a lot more fun going down than it is going up. In the park, we went in opposite directions and Jennifer went home, then I went home.
For the rest of the day I just kind of sat around and every time the telephone rang I really jumped, and thought it was for me. So I didn’t get a call from Sally, and I tried to call Jennifer, but her mother told me she was over at her cousin’s house and was going to sleep over there that night. So it was all right for her, because her cousin is her very best friend.
I just knew all my friends were going to be having a good time at Sally’s party, and here I was, just sitting around at home, and Mom kept saying to me why don’t you go out to one of your girlfriends’ houses, or something? And I kept saying I don’t want to, please leave me alone. And Mom called me a grump and stupid Brian told me jokes to cheer me up, but it didn’t cheer me up, and I told him to leave me alone, too.
Like, he said the definition of impossible is trying to wipe an elephant’s behind with a piece of confetti. Or why is an elephant’s hide so wrinkled? And the answer is, did you ever try to iron one? Like, ha-ha.
What a rotten day. I just sat there, thinking about all my pluses and minuses. When I really think about it, I just haven’t got much going for me. I seem to have so many minuses, I’m just about nothing. Who wants to rank zero?
I had an early bath and went to bed ‘way before I usually do on a Saturday night, and I lay in bed and read my Tolkien. I finished the Hobbit part and I’m halfway through the Fellowship of the Ring. At least that’s something I can do, without counting on anyone else for fun. Still, I think it’s kind of unfair that all the heroes are boys, and the girls don’t do anything but kind of stay in houses. Just like in real life. Mom says it’s going to be different, from now on. Oh yeah, well here I am in a house and not out doing anything exciting. I hope Sally’s party is a big flop or something.
I even started thinking like maybe I’m wrong, and the party’s not supposed to be tonight, but next week. Sure, I thought, that would explain why she didn’t say anything to me and Jennifer T. But then I thought Jennifer would have had to be wrong too. I got out of bed and went to look at the calendar downstairs but it was the right date, March 21st.
Damn her anyway! Ooops, pardon me, Mr. Bryant. Like I even care. Damn, dam, damn. Big deal! Would it be any better, kind of more socially acceptable if I said Dam!?
Mom said I should come downstairs and watch some show on television that everyone was watching. Crap! When it comes to the programs I want to watch they tell me it’s junk. It’s okay when they want to watch something. Then I’m supposed to come watch. Oh, I just hate everyone and everything stinks, and life is lousy!
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