Anyway, Kerry was in a really good mood this afternoon. He was in Home Ec too, although not with us. He was in cooking class and come to think of it, maybe that’s why Miss Blount was in such a lousy mood. I’ll have to remember that.
What happens in cooking class is the kids are supposed to work in small groups and cook and bake together. Kerry is kind of hard to work with, so he’s allowed to do his own stuff, and what he does, Kerry, is double all the recipes. Like, you’re only supposed to cook in little bits, or you use too much stuff. Not Kerry, he likes to do lots and then he has a feast.
What happened this time though, was, he made cookies and I guess they didn’t come out right or something, because I don’t think any kind of cookies are supposed to be so hard they almost break your teeth.
Sometimes, if he’s in a good mood he’ll go around asking the kids he likes if they’d like to try some of his baking. He’s not really a bad guy, only he just gets on your nerves, sometimes. Poor Miss Blount.
What happened this time was, he made a lot as usual, but he must’ve done something awfully wrong, because he ended up with these hard little balls that he couldn’t eat and no one else wanted, either. He got mad when the other kids said, “No thanks, Kerry.”
So What he did was lob them off at guys during Geography class and one hit Mr. Henderson right behind the ear. Oh yeah, was he ever mad! He asked who was it threw it, and no one said anything, but he knew when he looked, because Kerry was sitting there so innocent, his eyes on the ceiling, hands folded neatly in front of him, and grinning ear to ear, but there was a pile of the hard bits on his desk.
Mr. Henderson sent Kerry down to the office, but I don’t know what for, because Kerry loves going to the office. He goes in there and sits around until someone notices him and he bugs the secretaries until they go and call Mr. Drouin and Mr. Drouin doesn’t seem to know what to do with him.
Sometimes he does like Mr. Henderson and sends Kerry out to run around the block, but last time he did that, a couple of days ago, Kerry took off and didn’t come back again. And anyway, lately he’s been going over to the confectionery store down the road and he brings back all kinds of junk.
We could almost have swum home from school, there was so much water around from all the melting snow. The park’s just full of great big puddles and the trees look like they’re drowning. You’ve got to watch it now, going through the park, because the little kids coming in the opposite direction, from the kiddie school, are real brats.
What they try to do is, when you’re going past a puddle minding your own business, they’ll throw something into the water so it splashes up at you and then they run like mad, laughing like lunatics, the nasty little social misfits.
People sure raise brats, nowadays. Things are different than what I remember, when I was a little kid. You can bet I was never a brat like that, all right.
And that’s not all. The other day when I was coming through the park I saw a bunch of kids standing under a big tree and when I went to see what they were doing, I saw they were watching one of the squirrels fooling around up in the branches, like they do.
Now, would you believe, some of those little kids were lobbing bits of ice at the squirrel. I could’ve swatted them. I didn’t, because I knew they’d let me have it as soon as I turned my back. What’re you going to do with brats like that? I don’t know why people raise kids when they let them behave like that, anyway.
When I went over to Jane’s house, I saw poor little Cheeky back from the vet’s again. He didn’t look as springy as he usually does, but he thumped his tail like crazy, when he saw me. He’s supposed to be kept quiet and rest, and I think they got him neutered so he won’t run around so much, anymore. Like, sometimes when we go down to breakfast, we see one of the girls or even their mother, running through the park after the little rascal.
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