I told Jennifer about my new music lessons and she thinks it’s really nice for me. She’s been teaching me a little how to play her organ and it’s balls of fun. Larry thinks an organ stinks and I told him he’s a musical bigot. He calls it the “big wheeze”, but I think he’s a big wheeze himself.
At school me and Jennifer are kind of awkward about Laura. I mean, what are we supposed to do about her? Before, it was all right, because there was the six of us together most of the time and then we went off in pairs always, me and Jennifer, Diane and Donna and Laura and Sally. Now Laura doesn’t spend much time with Sally at school, but she says she still fools around with her after school.
What happens is, she’s kind of left-over. She either hangs around with Diane and Donna in some classes, or me and Jennifer T. We don’t really feel all that happy with her around, almost like she’s a traitor, but we can’t let her be all alone, either. It’s a real problem, and she’s not as happy either, as she used to be.
Sally doesn’t much bother with any of us anymore either, not that we’d want her to. We kind of say ‘hi’, and not much else, and that suits us fine. She fits in with that other bunch of creeps pretty good now, and we’ve even seen her smoking in the washroom. It’s okay, if that’s what she wants.
I’m doing much better in math now, and my marks are almost as good as Jennifer’s. It did help, going to Mr. Bryant’s extra math classes, and he was very nice to us kids who stayed. Like, he really tried to help us dummies. And Jennifer helps me too, when I’m over at her house, but we don’t like to do too much of that because there’s always other things to do that’re far more interesting.
Well, what we did notice, because everyone kind of shows off their marks when they do good, is that Sally isn’t doing so good anymore. She had asked Mr. Henderson if she could change her home-room seat when she started to hang out with the other kids and he said okay. He’s easy that way. And she did the same with Mr. Bryant. So she did, she went over to sit with her new friends, and wouldn’t you know it, they’re all lousy at math and geography. Ha! It doesn’t help her now, much, to sneak over someone’s shoulder to get the answers, because all the answers she gets are bound to be wrong. Anyway, she doesn’t seem to care all that much anymore.
Mr. Henderson sent out notices to the parents interested in having their kids go out for that camping trip, and he said we could come, too, to the meeting. So Mom and Dad and me went to the meeting in the evening and sat around while Mr. Henderson and some other guy who stays out there all the time or something, told us all about the place. The other guy was introduced as the camp manager.
This guy showed slides and explained about the cabins and stuff, and like what we’d be doing there. He said there’s canoes, and one of the teachers going with (Probably Mr. Farraday, because he’s all involved in sports and everything), will be teaching us the basics of canoeing.. We won’t be going swimming, because the weather’s nowhere near warm yet, but the lake looked really beautiful in those slides.
There’s a long privy (he called it), divided, one side for girls, the other side for boys, with running water and toilets, and if we want to take a shower, there’s showers too. Personally, I think we do enough of that at home, and if we’re going to rough it, we shouldn’t spoil things by taking showers.
There’s a big mess hall that’s sure to be a mess when all of us get through eating there, and a cook, and people to do things that need to be done. He said we’ll probably be doing our own cleaning-up after, like keeping the cabins neat and cleaning up dishes and pots after meals. Sounds fine to me, there’s a lot of kids to pitch in and help.
We’ve got to bring sleeping bags and warm clothing, because it’s plenty cold yet. At least, he said, we won’t be bothered by mosquitoes and black flies because it’s much too early in the season. That’s a relief. I don’t mind roughing it, but I wouldn’t look forward to concentrated flying-squad attacks. I HATE mosquitoes! And I hear black flies are a whole lot worse, if that’s remotely possible.
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