Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Vast Ocean Deep

The Titan submersible that went missing Sunday is seen during a descent in this undated image.

Nature does not equivocate nor does she gamble.

She leaves risks undertaken despite caution to

the reckless nature of humanity. In her cosmic

wisdom she has given dominion and command

to her trusted elements in the certain knowledge

their regulatory autonomy is such in the best

interests of this sphere shared by an infinite

number of lifeforms all of which she devoted time

and energy in design and performance, their

fathomless attributes meant to complement and

enhance life. Yet the cerebral function of humanity

is wracked by curiosity, exploration and yes

impetuosity, the brain understanding risks and

the emotions demanding them in the furtherance

of knowledge and the passion for dominance.

The results test her tolerance and on occasion her

spirit of indifference to outcomes lay waste to

the impudence of the challengers that humanity

presume themselves to be to their misfortune.



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