Friday, June 23, 2023

Polarized Verities


The fathomless mystery of human nature

never fails to challenge the expectations of

reasonable exchanges between groups of

humanity who vastly prefer polarized verities

in their endless confrontations where each

demands the other's submission. There arise

issues of deep complex enmity that fester over

countless generations to become a culture unto

themselves. As the world looks on in fascinated

wonder at an ever-accelerating dynamic of

violence and response the rational may have

expectation that reason can prevail in the

interests of peace and justice. Yet between

two antagonists one will not be appeased in

its demands and resorts to grooming its young

as future assassins, pridefully boasting they

are the deliverers of death as willing martyrs

leaving the other to lament loss of life.

Protective measures challenge the will to kill

and by some peculiar measure of empathy

the weight of the world's concerns revolve

toward the aggressors, damning the targets

of violence as oppressors whose progenitor

Solomon, bemused, would recognize Jew-hate.

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