Monday, June 12, 2023

The Garden on Stage


First things first, starting small and slowly 

building the garden to reflect the gardeners' 

idea of balanced perfection in structure

texture, fragrance and colour - the initial result 

modest in keeping with the gardeners' inexperience 

until year after year trees in abundant variety 

and shrubs arrived to provide theatrical drama 

in seasonal display interspersed with perennials

reliantly hardy, expectantly productive 

as the beds and borders grew and expanded 

to accommodate new species while year after 

year annuals joined the panoply of leafy 

blossoming residents, the whole proclaiming

itself a regal assemblage of nature's wonders.

The garden has taken on a life of its own

parading itself, primping, a conceited and

entitled showpiece that has taken  us hostage

to its whims and demands and we obey

loathe to risk losing the splendour of a perfect

garden landscape flooding our senses.

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