Sunday, June 11, 2023

The Beginning, The End

A color photo of a blue and white identification card with “Department of State” and Mr. Hanssen’s name on it. Next to it is a F.B.I. business card with his name over the title “Special Agent, Unit Chief.”

Do we choose our destinies or do our destinies

choose us? There is a beginning and there is

an end. He is dead now, that's the end of it.

It began with a childish fascination that became

a fetish and ultimately irresistible as an overt

powering drive somewhat like a man in the

throes of an addiction. Was he then a traitor

to his country, skilled in espionage as the

agent of an intelligence group would be to 

become a willing conspirator betraying his

nation's secrets and well paid for his services

or a helpless addict clinging to a boyhood

fantasy? Of course the ghoulish aspect of his

betrayals meant death to those whose identities

he revealed, for which no whisper of conscience

intervened as he conscientiously left his costly

"dead drops" plying the role he so admired.


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