Thursday, June 1, 2023

Icon of Public Service

Roger Waters on stage in Berlin, May 2023 (Twitter screenshot; used in accordance with Clause 27a of the copyright law)

In Greek legend beautiful sirens' exquisite voices 

lifted in song lured sailors leading them to their

death. Music has that captivating power. Linking 

the music of the masses to a champion of beguiling 

albeit rancid free speech, celebrities have the power

to lead a chorus of cheerful mockery where genocide 

of those chosen to deride can seem perfectly ordinary. 

The release of vile bile addressing the oldest racist venom 

of humankind in an aura of celebratory entertainment 

enraptures an audience comfortable in complicity 

highlighting the malice with which the world's Jews

are held in from antiquity to the present. This speech 

liberator's popularity with the masses who profess 

love of music and hate of the Jewish state need puzzle 

no one; the viral cancer lives on. But the man's former

band members' contempt speaks loud and clear of 

one who venerates Hitler and costumes himself as 

an SS predator identifying him as 'antisemetic to your

rotten core', 'a lying, thieving, hypocritical, tax-avoiding

lip-synching, misogynistic, sick-with-envy

megalomaniac' -- however beloved by his fans.



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