Friday, June 9, 2023

Deriding Canada's Crown Heritage

That old adage that revenge is best served cold 

recalls the battle of the Plains of Abraham

when British and French armies settled the question

of which nation's colonial arm would gather to

its expansive collection of developing nations

the nascent country of Canada. Diplomacy had

its day in the recognition of two founding nations

under the British Crown. French resentment has

cooled but never evaporated through the centuries

since despite accommodations and pandering so

it cannot be entirely shocking that a prime minister

of French heritage appoints a Crown representative

in Canada from its Indigenous Peoples origins 

pleased to be invested as Governor-General, the

very symbol of the British Crown in Canada who

flourishes in the august celebrity and robust stipend

of the traditional role, a majestic figure whose

every whim entitles her to luxuries fit for a queen

yet who cannot find it in her Royal role to condemn

violently aggressive acts committed in defiance of

the Crown's historical accommodations with Indian

nations throughout the land; not her role, she avers

to comment on the aggravated sentiments spurning

their Royal Majesties, but as a feel-good mediator.


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