Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Exhausting Patience


When does a rational examination in a debated

topic between polarized opinions have value? It

is, after all, an opportunity for each voice to express

an assemblage of facts, their analysis based on

reality and their conclusions. For the most part

academic debates rely on scholarship requiring a

deep investigation of the merits of a topic leading to

conclusions that debates merely clarify. On social

media, on the other  hand, expressions of opinion

have a habit of suddenly popping up that directly

contest someone else's views, accelerating with 

a swiftness that identifies with the religion of 

conviction, one whose tools are rapier-sharp in

methodology. The innate reaction to respond is

unfortunate since nothing can be gained. The 

goal of the challenger is to render their target 

exhausted of responses all of which have been

summarily dismissed with an assemblage of

well-practised rejoinders citing statistics and

improbable conclusions. Reducing a debate to

a scoring game of righteous piety in claims 

that owe their generation to careful selection of 

quotes in an arena where science itself expresses

doubts and the balance of plausibility matches

your thoughts, then just shrug and drift away.

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