Tuesday, June 27, 2023

In Celebration of Public Sex

Drag queens standing on a float in a Pride parade.

This is the era of 'whatever'. Being a prude

which is to say finding no titillation in

witnessing human beings imitating their version

of unhinged sex is to invite the slander of

'homophobic intolerance'. Uninhibited displays

of hedonistic licentiousness is the order of the

day, not to be confined to the headspace of the

degenerate, but to be placed in full public

display as aberrations that society now openly

calls for in celebration of the diversity of the newly

advanced culture of the abnormal trouncing the

illusion of normalcy into submission. The thing 

of it is, intimacy in sex once believed to be an act

of shared love between consenting adults of

opposite genders is now a free-for-all absent the

purpose for which nature designed procreation as

an act of universal survival. Upsetting nature's divine

applecart of biological destination aside, the very

private nature of the sex act demands reverence.

I will never invite you as a spectator into my boudoir

yet the reality is that you have made yours a set piece

of theatre anywhere a crowd can gather to witness

a garishly intemperate charade of human desire.



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