Sunday, February 5, 2023

When Satyrs Become Nymphs

Jessica Yaniv has filed complaints against Canadian salons. (Photo: Jessica Yaniv/Twitter)

Don't we chuckle at the utterly naive

simplicity of mind of pagan peoples

wise enough to produce philosophers 

whose wisdom echoes down the ages

but gullible enough to believe in the

panoply of gods and their retainers.

Of satyrs and nymphs, the cunning

manipulation of the former and the

sweet innocence of the latter. Yet it

took the enlightened era of the present

where intellect and rationality became

fond bedfellows that satyrs have turned

into nymphs. The judge sentencing a rabid

rapist - declaring himself transgender -

intoned considering sentencing that 'she

used her penis to rape the victims'. Then

too the sensitive declaration of 'people

who menstruate' lest transgendered

women feel aggrieved, ignored and

belittled. Who knows, those pagan gods

might be leaning down from their

heavenly perches eager to enjoy the

most recent scandalous escapades

of pathetic humanity's latest theology.

Um ... sorry, what was that question 

again? Has the world gone mad?

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