Thursday, February 9, 2023

Towers of Babel

History and humanity have an irreverent

penchant for repetition for everything old

becomes new again. In this era remarkable

advances in technology have given the world

a towering edifice of babel where all speak

their exclusionary tongues and none fully

comprehend while condemning the great

social upheaval marching through time and

science, humanity and history. Social media

has become a library of phenotypes reaching

with blind conviction into the environment of

livid experience, hordes of refugees streaming

from entire nations become battlefields, migrants

seeking a world other than their own, men and

women fleeing their roles assigned by nature 

re-arranging and expunging vocabularies at will

even while tribal, sectarian, ideological mentors

scream imprecations of dire malediction  at their

opposites risking toxic apoplectic oblivion.

The languages of blame, of victimhood, of war

of theological doom, of entitlement and virtue

their vocabularies cunningly intrusive yet

shadowy and begrimed with the dust of ages.

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