Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Privilege of Entitlement


It was a partially sunny afternoon

the winter sun brightly warming 

the atmosphere but in the ravine

no sun penetrated the forest canopy

for on the horizon the sun was

already setting blazing below the

silver-white snowclouds overtaking

the ceiling of the sky. In the far

distance a black speck was seen

rapidly descending a snow-packed hill

and seconds later the speck became

a snow-accoutred dog bounding

up the opposite hill the man who dispensed

cookies was descending. Old friends

well met, the Vizsla sat biddably at

the man's side no longer in anxious

anticipation, patiently awaiting his

prize, then each went on their way.

In the course of the following hour 

each on separate forest trails divided

by hills and valleys, an icy forest

stream and intersecting ridges in a

varied topography, the dog returned

for seconds before dashing off again

and finally made a third brief stop 

claiming the privilege of entitlement.

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