Monday, February 13, 2023

Language, the Quality of Mercy

The Importance Of Reaching Out To Others

Language has always been with us for we are 

gregarious creatures who tend to communicate 

and have done from the time the crucible of 

humanity threw off the shared physical traits of 

our animal origins to differentiate ourselves as 

protohuman and beyond mastering sound to 

match thought and gesture. So many languages 

languished and disappeared while some survived 

and served to separate us from one another. But

the universality of the language of emotions

reflect our origins and genetic endowments

for we all know the language of fear and devotion

hope and determination, anger and rage, love 

and compassion. They bind us in a silken manacle 

of defiance against those among us for whom the

language of emotions retain only those elements 

consonant with envy, greed and domination 

repressing those soothing expressions of faith and

understanding that sustain the persecuted benign or 

deadly as they reach out to others for comfort.

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