Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Horde Advances

.A group of migrants are waiting on the US side of the Rio Grande as the Texas National Guard blocked access to parts of the border with barbed wire and vehicles as seen from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, on December 20, 2022.

Where, then, in the world is there not endemic 

poverty, violence, drug addiction, crime, racism 

threats, conflict, religious persecution, sectarian 

and tribal violence? As the world grows smaller 

through ease of travel and communication 

the problems multiply like a deadly infection that 

knows no boundaries. National borders in fact 

are being erased as the world moves inexorably 

toward post-nationalism evidenced by hordes of

migrants on the move, relentlessly enduring

hardships but wedded to the fixed intention

of establishing their futures elsewhere. They

move singly and en masse immune to voices

abroad shouting 'we have no room!' for they

will not believe that the wealthy nations of the

world are also stricken with poverty, disease

crime and misery; there they mean to establish

themselves, take advantage of everything good

they've ever heard, leaving behind want and

fear for the sages knew of what they spoke

uttering that hoary phrase that others have

what they do not in greener pastures. It is not

the poor launching themselves on these journeys

but the privileged escaping limited options, those

with the wherewithal to pay for the privilege of

surreptitiously yet aggressively crossing borders

as illegal entrants that no cautions and no

security barriers, and no policing can stop.

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