Saturday, February 11, 2023

Inexplicably Deadly Hatred


How do you comfort and explain to the

confused, fearful child that it is not him

personally that bad men plan to murder. He,

the child is but a symbol of the visceral

and learned hatred of another child now a man

who nurses that hatred born of a grievance simply

not amenable to reason for the fires of rage

burn the human element to a crisp of 

unfiltered loathing within which humanity

may no longer reside. It is not he who

represents the target, that child of three or

four or six or eight years of living experience

but the cauldron of DNA that bred him as

a Jew which makes him guilty of creating

obstacles 'victimizing' opponents of the sacred

ancestral land of his forbears. The child is but

a symptom, a symbol, a syndrome innocent though

he personally is of the torment claimed by

those dedicated to the murder of Jews. You

say this patiently with the knowledge that

symptom though he may be, he has no escape

but good fortune if the plans of the terrorist 

bred  to, raised and nurtured on the fiction

that doling out death to Jews will amend

the future of his kind are foiled and the

Jewish child manages to survive. Those

that succumb to the frenzied hatred of a man

who was once a gullible child ingesting the

slander of hate have no need of explication.

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