Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Mind Encaged

 8 Common Behavioral Addictions

Come to think of it, human technological

ingenuity created an alter-universe, one

where everything is contained, a complete

existence of thought and conclusion, data

infrastructure and cohesion in what otherwise

might be a vacuum but which humanity has

filled with the flotsam and jetsam of all that

concerns it. The metaphorical reach-out from

continent to continent, the babel of language

translated, the capacity to carry on the human

tradition of hostile repartee with those whose

truth tramples your own. We search for news

and it reaches out to us sending tentacles of

influence to tackle our brains. The Internet

has become the Master of All mustering the

entire population of this planet to its will in

an addiction of impositions stealing our lives

away. It is the great leveller the medium by

which anyone addresses everyone. For the first

time in human history this equalizer enables

the arrogant humble to address their political

masters, like intimate slave to royalty. No one

is immune from the spite that bubbles up, the

adoration that elevates, slander that denigrates

for we are as one enraptured and captured.


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