Friday, September 30, 2022

Leading to Perdition

Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen on a screen set at Red Square as he addresses a rally and a concert marking the annexation of four regions of Ukraine Russian troops occupy - Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia, in central Moscow on September 30, 2022.

His deserving time will come, the world sighs

where he will be held accountable for the

ruination of a nation, the wreckage of another.

In affairs of the world of governance there

is no real accountability for power is its own

aphrodisiac, charming those attaining positions

of ultimate command to the belief of their

very infallibility, that they can do no wrong

for whatever their decisions they are right.

Loyalty to a tyrant rewarding his military elite

to the sacrifice of their multitude of sad and

sorry subordinates ensures orders will be

carried out resulting in wholesale destruction

countless deaths, a mere distraction on the

world body long accustomed to occasional

lapses in civilizational normatives causing a

mental shrug so profound Earth is momentarily

shaken off its axis in a shudder of grief.

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