Friday, September 2, 2022

In Memoriam

Putin Gorbachev coffin hospital AP photo

He chased a chimera for he was one himself

convinced he had the formula that would free his 

people from their serfdom to a bitterly hostile 

ideology that would permit no individual agency

meant to transform a people into a colony of 

regimented, order-obeying collaborationists

the very pillars that held aloft the canopy of

self abnegation purportedly for the benefit of 

the social weal in worship of an unyielding elite.

In a conspiracy to dehumanize a vast populace. He 

acted in conscience with the means and purpose 

of liberation and was lionized for his kind humanity 

by those only marginally impacted by his decrees.

Those for whose benefit he acted gifting them 

with freedoms loathed him for the resulting destruction 

of their shackles in preference to tyrannical rule 

more familiar to them, taking comfort in shifting 

discipline and responsibility to an echelon they 

envisaged acted in good faith for their benefit. 

Rejecting their liberation they once again bask in 

the steelclad strictures burdening and once more

impoverishing them in mind, spirit and body.

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