Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Venting Spleen

Artificial intelligence? That's how some wags 

would describe infuriating egotists believing 

in the clarity of their confused thoughts. 

On the other hand, machine intelligence is a

reflection of the design capabilities and infusion 

a human hand pours into a computing device.

Yes, it's clever to fashion a functionable set

of algorithms for a predictable outcome

proving that 'monkey see monkey do' can 

apply to machines as well as to humans. It is

however, a misnomer to consider machines

capable of artificial intelligence; they perform

what they are programmed to produce. They

are dumb, not intelligent; mute to argument

totally, obstinately immune to reason so

how intelligent is that? You've never argued

with a government computer program designed

to elicit 'correct' responses, rejecting those

that fail to compute to its standards? Try it.

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