Monday, September 26, 2022

Mahsa Amini's Hijab

Dour, desiccated old men

shrivelled with age and bitter

that life is fast ebbing, their beards

grown piously long and broad

issue edicts meant to tame the

wild nature of beguilingly beautiful

young women portraying them as

eager to bewitch men with their

absent morals when it is men whom

the Eternal One has equipped to

use women as breeding stock in a

firm harness of social control

erasing their humanity in dark

enveloping shrouds and policing

their public appearances with public

morality guardians. Young and old

women reject morality's straitjackets

and with pride and joy in life

despite the prejudice of misogyny

display themselves as free as nature

intended, paying the ultimate price 

for a moment of liberty, their lethal

punishment inciting others to deny and

defy a totalitarian ideology of death.



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