Sunday, September 4, 2022

Risque-ing All

Skydiving definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

It is quite possibly the longest lasting yearning

ache in existence and Icarus began the rush

with wax wings succumbing to a jealous sun

continued by the great Leonardo sketching

a wing-flapping flying machine. In ancient

times those convinced they were the Messiah

set out to prove their divine origins in flight

succeeding in emphasizing the proclivity of 

the human body to shatter on impact with the

Earth. No one wants to admit the non-existence

of Superman. Yet humans remain transfixed

by their shortcomings, the most able, intelligent

creature on Earth cannot match the effortless flight

of a bird. More latterly humanity devised extreme

sports and parachute-jumping came into vogue.

Human nature in its extreme fascination with

extending the bounds of the possible now leaps

into thin air convinced an abrupt fall averted by

a timely parachute break can offer them the ultimate 

frisson of elation and terror and live to boast the story. 

Sadly, extreme leaps sometimes pair with extreme 

crashes leaving obituaries to praise the departed as 

beautiful, courageous souls who lived to the fullest.


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