Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Challenging Nature's Blueprint


Aha, another clue leading to understanding

vanished species, endangered and finally extinct 

for various causes. Perpetuation of the species 

requires procreation, male and female acting as nature 

devised they should. But wait there have always been 

variations on the theme among species yet the original 

primal method remains paramount. With each new 

human birth jubilant parents celebrate a boy 

or a girl and the world turns as it must in a 

spinning melodic perfect universe. Suddenly 

a spanking new phenomenon popularized by 

sensitive authority of togetherness in rejuvenating

the excitement of discovery through exploring 

new and novel human dilemmas once seen as 

a transitory whim of curious children is now

embraced as a contradiction of nature that should

be upheld as just another norm that urges the

young to find themselves on a spectrum of choices 

spurning the very absurdity of recognizing

two sexes, for the more urgent search of the

genuine spirit of individual choice as a mission 

to put presumptuous nature firmly in her place.

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