Monday, September 5, 2022

Death-Loving Assassins

They live in today's world yet they exist

within a nomadic world of tribes and clans

where pagan belief in a panoply of gods

ruled humanity and they search out those

who defy the injunction to surrender to their

sacred faith in one supreme being else die

for their sins. Migrating restlessly within their

mission to destroy those unworthy of life

in homage to a thundering god demanding

appeasing sacrifice to assuage his rage they

approach their targets with the confidence of

believers, the inhumanity of slaughterers

and the certitude of martyrs claiming their due.

Ancient prohibitions commanding against

murder readily superseded by a religious devotion

dedicated to perpetuation of the myth of peace

attainable once the legion of enemies is destroyed

they haunt the consciousness of their defiant

targets in denial of threats of crucifixion

and beheading complemented by wholesale

dispatch through bombs vested close to the

hearts of martyr-bent, death-loving assassins.

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