Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Winter Months


The season of nostalgia is upon us. In the 

ravine below the forest the stream is turbulent 

from the run-off of yesterday's rain. Downed

trunks of old pines felled by a passing derecho 

litter the forest floor. Here and there a gathering 

of bright crimson leaves decorate the forlorn 

old corpses. A light haze of pale gold permeates

the forest canopy. Boisterous gusts of wind

unleash a fluttering of foliage. A dragonfly 

floats languidly by, hesitates then is gone.

The sound of a woodpecker rattles the

silent woods, interrupted by the shrill cry of 

a bluejay, passing through. Overhead a 

regimented formation of Canada geese on

their yearly migration bidding hoarse adieu to

 the land of ice and snow where owls will rest 

on frozen branches during snowed-in winter 

months their raptor instincts diminishing the

presence of the forest's small furred creatures.


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