Friday, November 12, 2021

To Persevere

File:Wailing Wall by Gustav Bauernfeind.png - Wikimedia Commons

As a total percentage of the global

population there are vanishingly few

of that ethno-religious group that

perplexingly tends to elicit suspicion

and hatred disproportionate to their

share of humanity's proclivity to express

its distaste for groups so different from

the prevailing majority anywhere. For

there is a cohesion among that detested

group that somehow identifies them well

beyond a shared religion, for many have

none yet most have attributes of patience

and hope, a wish to be tolerated, and amongst

themselves mysteriously arises a higher

degree of ingenious cerebral thought than

occurs elsewhere. Whatever it is, that odd

element of 'other' that offends the aggregate

it results in a willingness to countenance

contempt without reason and violence to a

degree that further diminishes their presence

as a people bound by destiny to persevere.

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