Friday, November 19, 2021

The Woebegone Royal

Meghan Markle has opened up in a new US interview

With the great good fortune of an appealing 

physical presence and the cunning intelligence 

to submerge the scorpion within, celebrity status 

can arrive when chance and opportunity offer 

their services.

 And thus it was that an infantile prince became 

mesmerized by an exotic enchantress catapulting 

her instantly into a personage of great distinction 

and public interest who discovered how effective 

expressed victimhood can be in claiming compassion

from a wide, adoring public. 

No naif she, intuitively grasping how the presentation

of a frail vulnerability exposed to the haughty

entitlement of royals barely deigning to notice a new 

decidedly unroyal family member in their midst

has the delicious potential of arousing flaming

indignation in the minds and hearts of those

commoners who like herself nurse resentment

and in the process cleverly manipulates events

spotlighting herself as wronged and those of

majesty born oppressively spiteful. 

Wounded is not she, hugging victory close

but those who in reality warmly clasped their 

prince's bride to their company, but she played her 

game well degrading them and elevating herself 

to find wealth and admiration mounting her on the

throne of deceitful slanderers, this royal victim.



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