Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Doubly Betrayed


A destination of unparalleled beauty

favoured by nature in a plenitude of

mountains and lakes, forests and rivers

deserts and history. Its breathtaking vistas

and abundance of natural resources call

to nature's creatures seeking haven from

chaos experienced in lesser-favoured

landscapes. Here, where untamed wilderness

and giant forest groves of ancient vintage

thrive in nature's gift to all sentient beings

of her creation. Forgetful nature suddenly

failed to recall her favouritism inundating

the immensity of the flowing rivers and

the land nestled between in a tumultuous

series of overwhelming rainstorms lashing

valleys and mountains in ferocious winds

creating a catastrophic atmospheric river

washing away mountain sides in great mud

and rockslides extinguishing all that moves.

Such unfortunate timing when earlier nature 

absentmindedly sent down a hovering heat dome

to deep-sizzle the interior in wildfires and mass

evacuations where floods might have countered

that grave natural phenomenon, but did not.




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