Saturday, November 13, 2021

Man The Wise

The Rylands Haggadah, detail, 14th century.  Detail of a manuscript illumination from the Rylands Haggadah in the John Rylands Library, Manchester, England.

What then if the wisest of our species

in defiance of the widely held belief

that as we evolve so does our intellect

predated the psychology of humanity

and in their vast wisdom conjured the

vision of a creator-deity . Theirs a defined

purpose; to infuse within humankind the

need to conform, to obey, to sympathize

and empathize for these are qualities that

humanize and in the process make conflict

less likely. The lessons of the Golden Rule

and principle of Do Unto Others embraced

as an antidote to anger, impulse and violence.

And so was born trust and faith however

tainted by nature's compulsion of survival

leading to conflict. Nature, the Earth Mother

nurturing yet indifferent. God, implacably

preaching, warning, cajoling, threatening.

One a proven reality, the other a symbol.

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