Thursday, November 25, 2021

guilty, Guilty ... GUILTY!!

The Ahmaud Arbery Killing and "Running While Black." Our Readers Respond -  The New York Times

There can be no denials. There were witnesses

mind-bogglingly observing the heinous act. 

Three men beside themselves with disbelief. 

What they saw cannot be disputed. A video -- 

those ubiquitous revealers of reality reflected 

the brutal audacity of the perpetrator. Leading

the outraged witnesses to  contact authorities: a 

Black man racing through a white neighbourhood.

What to do? How to respond with courage and

determination in defence of the community from

assault on their dignity, their history, their pride?

Rifles, grab the rifles, into the truck, head off the 

criminal. Theirs the duty to serve and protect 

their community; he must be stopped at all costs. 

And, brave fellows they were, he was. They put 

an end to the unspeakable incursion. At age 25

he should have known better. One might have 

thought that from impressionable childhood on

there was no assuming he had the freedom and the 

right as an American proud and free to flaunt an 

age-old discourtesy to his betters. So then

he earned his comeuppance. Well, didn't he?

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