Sunday, November 14, 2021

Locked in Mortal Combat

Medics treat a Covid-19 patient at an ICU at the Moscow City Clinical Hospital on Tuesday.

Flippant bon mots do that, they make us chuckle

they're so on the mark and yet spontaneous

hitting on the right notes. We're not chuckling now

the world really is on trajectory to hell in a proverbial 

handbasket and no one knows how to stop it even as

a dread unseen and sinister zoonotic somehow

unleashed ravishes the world of humankind where 

despite millions of deaths and viral sickness humanity 

proves itself an unrepentant predator, a carnivore 

of the weak and the vulnerable in raging conflict 

creating destitution and homelessness, disruptions

that create devastating food scarcity victimizing

the helpless. Humanity like an ancient gladiator

syringe in one hand, sword in the other smiting

one side then the other facing multiple venomous 

threats only to be felled in the final curtain call.

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