Sunday, November 21, 2021

Myth and Metaphor


Fire is anger, water the tears of grief.

Either is capable of devastation on this

fragile planet. The ancients warned that

evil deeds lead to never-ending torment in

the fires of hell, the bowels of the Earth

Satan's sadistic playground, the destiny of

humanity's ill-doers. Tyrants and murderers

in the custody of Charon the end-of-life

Boatman crossing the River Styx to the

Gates of Hell and there they enter, writhe and

suffer for all eternity. Those in the fullness

of life in grief for their lost ones weep their

own rivers of tears in the hope their destiny

will bring them to loftier Gates where their

endurance of life's travails may allow entry

to Paradise forevermore. Yet the paradise on

Earth lies neglected, forlorn and looted

of its treasures, the balance of nature and

existence straddling the rim of the world

where the guardian of all sends her noted

emissaries, fire and water, to warn of

impending disaster lest we cease and desist.

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