Saturday, November 6, 2021

Action, Camera -- Frisson Alert!

Playa Delfines

Show business, Broadway? Passe. We live

in a bored world and the goal now is to

discover the unique and the sweet piquancy

of dangerous thrills, a pas de deux with

existence to gain that very special titillation

gripping your heart muscle like an iron claw

then releasing your lungs to breathe again

all in good clean know? Even the

buzz of dope no longer works unaccompanied

with threatening drama. So, off to Mexico

to lie on the beach, obliging dealers in easy 

reach. Let the drama unfold. And it does when

masked intruders to the private beach of the

luxury hotel is invaded by a seaborne swarm

fully armed against a rival gang suddenly

appearing seaward to blast one another with

lethal fire, two succumbing, others hobbling

to getaway car and rubber dinghy  - and wasn't

that a fright, iphones at the ready, social media

sites anxious recipients prepared to crown the

best pics of the season conferring celebrated status

on the winner clutching his victory close.

The world is not as you knew it, Granny.

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