Friday, November 26, 2021

If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem

 Jerusalem then and now: A journey in photos | Noam Chen | The Blogs

Ancient creatures and ancient identity rites

of inherited biological memory from the primal

to the present. Those that venture far afield in

nomadic travels faithfully return to their destined 

roots and so salmon and eels, butterflies and 

penguins, terns and wildebeast cross global divides 

rediscovering belongings of the past. There finding 

harbour to ritually spawn and beget their young 

before recommencing their endless generational 

wandering. And so too does humanity recall in 

inherited memory its ancient past of ceremony

and tilling the earth, the erection of monuments to

a higher order of faith, the resistance of conquest

and struggle against the powers of oppression in

defiance of a dynasty of authority and command

that led to the chaos of violent destruction and death

tormented turmoil, displacement, migration and 

exodus whose diaspora nurtured ancient memory

yearning toward returned rediscovery to join the

past with reborn presence celebrating the future.



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