Thursday, July 8, 2021

Would You Believe It?

Talmud - Wikipedia

 Life: what a peerless learning experience it is. 

One would have to be an absolute dullard not to 

appreciate the carnival of absurdities exemplifying 

humankind's penchant for viewing the world and 

its events large and small through zany-tinted lenses 

of idiocy. There for all to  assess, some to assimilate 

into their own world view, while those with a sense 

of funnybone acumen shake their heads in wonder at 

the profligate waste of nature's endowment enabling

her creatures to reason intelligently in favour of wild 

speculative monstrosities of wishfulness. Who knew 

that the supreme deity sitting in smug judgement over 

humanity is so vain it ordains that adoration in loyalty 

of his great powers must be absolute otherwise life

is forfeit, enforcers of the divine will eager to rid the 

world of unbelievers for peace to prevail. Fact: history 

constantly corrects itself with the aid of the faithful 

pointing out that Christ was not a Jewish sage but a 

Palestinian Arab and Palestine as Judea a sinful fable 

of antiquity badly in need of correction. On the other 

hand history now identifies Elvis Presley's origins in 

Judaism. And wait: the Peoples' Pope is now set to 

bring his  holy aura in person to the Hermit Kingdom. 

Might Christ have been a closet Muslim if Allah chose 

to backdate the Prophet's abduction of Judaism's sacred 

scriptures for nascent Islam? Moral: live and learn.


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