Monday, July 26, 2021

Force Majeure


Hers is a mighty power from the 

minutiae sketched within her 

creative disposition of the universe's

gases and minerals before time

and the vacuum consuming endless

space she is attentive and deliberate

overseeing all that exists while

tasking her elements as aides in the

drama of upheaval and renewal. 

From the spinning of nebulae and

evolving of constellations and their

stars overseeing all that evolves and

revolves in the heavens of the stellar

night she turns brief scrutiny on her 

lesser landscapes to artistically create 

an impulsively fey spectacle of 

shimmering incandescence as rays of

the morning sun burn through the 

canopy of a forest drenched through

a night of ferocious thunderstorms

wind still whipping the steeples of tall

old giants paying obeisance to nature.

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