Friday, July 9, 2021

The Indestructible Thespian

Political Cartoons: Justin Trudeau's colorful faces and past surface

 Ach! What qualities!! Tall, handsome, bespoke and

charismatic, self-confident, perpetually smiling

he is the very personification of a well-adjusted

personage to match his inherited status and though

not a magus like his father he does aspire. Imbued

with his father's flamboyance and sense of presence

yet lacking the fine intelligence of the man who

possessed both virtues and faults, outstanding in

both arenas. The son is given to theatrics extremely

fond of garnering notice and admiration gathering both

handily, as thespians are wont to. Dramas which end

in elevating him in public opinion a delight to him

just as orchestrating surprises do the better to persuade

his adoring public he is a very special man. None

but he so casually and deliberately coiffed, his

considered attire on display both sober and playful

perfectly knotted tie and colourful patterned socks to

his father's boutonniere freshly plucked. His personality

sunny, on constant display, his character an enigma

with principles testing the winds of fortune. Through

the sheer energy of fitful chance he gains the confidence

of a voting public mesmerized by his blase assurances

while overturning all the classic symbols of democracy

intoning that he leads a post-nationalist nation on his

own initiative while ingratiating himself with a trade

colossus skilled in espionage and the purloining of other

nations' science and technology intelligence including

his own, genuflecting with admiration for that politburo's

ability to turn its dictatorial fortunes on a virtual dime.

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