Friday, July 16, 2021

Chin Chuk Granny


When you are young and your mind is

churning and turning over everything that

you read and hear and learn and you begin

to trust your cerebral functioning and believe

in your intelligence and you have an opinion

to ventilate and few will listen because you're

simply too young to know the answers to

questions that the social order grapples with

you sigh and turn inward until eventually you

speak the code that others do who listen to you

since your opinion echoes theirs and any that

fail to are tucked safely away from scrutiny.

In time you are elderly and discover a very

different ethos and culture eludes you. Best

keep your experience and knowledge within 

airing it exclusively between peers. For in 

the opinion of earlier generations it is not 

wisdom that age has conferred upon you

but a certain arch unknowingness rendering

current social mores totally foreign. Whatever

you say is received as archaic and 'cute' not in

the sense of foxy intelligence but as one speaks

of the antics of a puppy, the innocence of a

child. From child to adult to senior = infancy.

Your senses fail but not your sensibilities.

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