Sunday, July 18, 2021

Premiering Near You


Call it a dress rehearsal. It was all of that

in living colour when West and Coastal

North America dissolved into an oven of

overheated atmospheric misery ratcheting up

air conditioning while gas extraction came to

a halt because of the heat of a steroidal summer

that led to crackling wildfires, mass evacuations

and towns scorched into ashes. Think that's all?

The extreme weather conditions impacted shelter

and confidence then went on to wreak ruination

in the food supply; poultry and fish pre-broiled

to death unable to survive the heated torment.

Fruit dangling from trees cooked in the heat and

rotted. Crops failed to flower and bear seed to

feed the nations, and forage for livestock failed; 

in one fell swoop home and haven and food all

threatened. And this a mere dress rehearsal.

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