Saturday, July 31, 2021

Waking Up


Remember those nightmares that

tormented you as a child so that you

were torn between sleep and waking

convinced you might be caught by a

night-time stalker and never have the 

chance to grow up, taken by deathly

child molesters who tortured and killed

their prey. Remember how your mother

soothed and hugged you, promised that

would never happen, your over-active

imagination on overtime and all would be

well. 'Sleep, my child', she said with love.

You did, and the nightmares dwindled and

you grew into life's adventures. Now you think

did your subconscious prepare you for the

future where not only you but the entire

world is stalked by a devastating predator

out to torture and kill while the world cowers

and shuts down hoping it will recede and fade

and life could go on toward normalcy. Is this

a living nightmare or is it reality? That old 

adage that time will tell? Time's mum.

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