Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Sleeping Garden


When the Immortal Bard set quill to quire

writing the sentiment that parting is such

sweet sorrow it was meant to adorn the

Medieval romance of star-lost lovers yet 

the phrase is entirely apropos in twinning 

gardens with their gardeners and at this season 

of fall for those who lavish lovingly tender care

on all that erupts from the soil to thrive and

thrill throughout the growing season the

phrase resonates. Tomatoes, ripe and unripe

harvested, marigolds plucked from their 

post-frost misery joined by impatiens and

begonias, zinnias and asters, all to become

sadly composted destined to fertilize the

growing medium for next year's crop of

dazzling beauties. For the present and until

the snow flies when all become a distant

memory, their dated expiration is mourned as

the garden is tidied and prepared for slumber

in a reprise of a desolately emotional play.


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