Wednesday, October 21, 2020

As The World Turns

Pope Francis, washing feet, and Catholic orthodoxy | Faith Meets World

How far has humanity come in civilizing 

ourselves? We have only to observe the 

Holy Mother Church which had indulged in 

high prelates living in magnificent opulence

a pope who experimented with a dynasty 

when he fathered a son to become yet another 

pope and bishops took wives and lovers until 

celibacy was enforced as a sacred precept

when priests charged hefty sums for remission

of parishioners' penitence in reflection of their 

mortal sins and no one spoke askance at lecherous

men of the cloth casually raping children and 

their pious mothers, when the Holy See sought 

the heretics in their midst, conversos accused

of secret underground ceremonies in their

original proscribed faiths and auto da fes

became public entertainment -- to the present

enlightened era where the Roman Catholic

Church publicly disowns its sexual molesters

eschews its ages-old characterization of 

Jews as Christ-killer finally admitting the

Saviour was a Jew, and appointing a new

pope who though frowning on abortion is

prepared to forgive transgressors and to

acknowledge same-sex marriage while

washing the feet of the poor as an act of

personal penitence as he denounces the evil

of capitalism and conflict -- speaking out on

the harm we do as humanity to one another.



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