Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Pillage, Ransack and Loot

China's military: How strong is the People's Liberation Army? - Los Angeles  Times

The Peoples' Republic is not amused. It is

in fact quite displeased. To be accused of

human rights violations, of gross territorial

aggression, of cultural appropriation and

of ransacking and looting other countries'

and corporate enterprises' intellectual properties 

for their own through scurrilous, surreptitious 

means. And nor is it other than furious to be 

said of the Communist Party of China that its

politburo directs the Peoples' Liberation Army

to intrude into its neighbours' borders to

claim disputed territory for its own, much less

dispossess small nations and their people

of their history, culture, language and heritage

territory for might makes power and China

has both and those who accuse her of crimes

fail to recognize that Beijing scrupulously

obeys the law and justice prevails; its own.

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